Tuesday, February 2, 2010

leadership by iconic - or, at least, memorable - figures

Despite what the woman with the great legs said (the awesome Tina Turner), we do need antoher hero. We're just not sure the leadership hero can be succinctly packaged into one human body. It's too much good stuff crammed into one tiny space.

But we think you can learn from those who have walked before you. Consider this the Cole's Notes version of Leadership 101. And you know how effective those little books were, don't you.

One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected.
~George W. Bush
If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, by all means baffle them with bullshit. It seemed to work as a good strategy for a certain elected official, and for more than one term. The increased use of multi-syllabic words can confound, and can often instil that intrinsic sense of leadership your minions should come to expect of you.

Next time you go out for dinner, have a look around the table and if everyone is on your payroll, the chances are you have become a jerk.
Sometimes we don't have the heart to tell you, and maybe you wouldn't listen if we tried. So take Bono's advice. Lots of people have. Besides, he makes zillions of dollars so he's gotta be sort of smart, right?

As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what it is exactly that the VP does every day?
~Sarah Palin
We'd like to think that if you're a) running for the job or b) applying for the job, that you either a) know what the hell you're doing or b) can snow us well enough that we can't see the difference when you don't. Maybe we should hire Oscar winning actors. We thought Morgan Freeman made a good elected official. And anything he says just sounds smart.

I don't remember anybody's name. How do you think the 'dahling' thing got started?
~Zsa Zsa Gabor
So maybe Zsa Zsa came about before the whole equitable workplace thing and the anti-sexual harassment training. But she's awesome and has a cute accent. If you can get away with viewing your employees as monochromatic fodder - but make it sound adorable - we say go ahead and try.

I mean, there's no arguing. There is no anything. There is no beating around the bush. 'Your're fired' is a very strong term.
~Donald Trump
We're not sure what things transpired, but it seemed to work for the Donald. And in front of millins of witnesses, too.

Having hit a wall, the next logical step is to not bang our heads against it.
~Stephen Harper
Pointing out the obvious is always an indicator of strong leadership. We might suggest you reference the first example and add a few bigger words to give yourself some big word cred.

This doesn't happen when they use guns.
~Charlton Heston
We couldn't say it any better than the NRA lovin' dude himself.

~ Paige

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